Black Cat Inspector Josh Hedges 4 PM FSBO inspection in Winston Salem.
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We are a residential and commercial inspection services company providing numerous inspection services including, but not limited to, pre-purchase, pre-listing, condition, new construction progress, draw request, mold inspections, radon and mold testing.
Black Cat Inspector Josh Hedges 4 PM FSBO inspection in Winston Salem.
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Black Cat Inspector Josh Hedges on his 9 AM inspection of this 170 year old historic home in Gold Hill for agent Perry Butler's client. Josh's inspection will include inspection and report to NC standards, radon test, mold inspection and mold testing.
History suggests the property was first associated with John C. Snuggs who was the Gold Hill Postmaster from September 1865 until July 1881. Mr. Snuggs also served in the Army as a Private.
The house served as both a post office and residence for Mr. Snuggs. The first floor of the house continued to be used as a post office well into the 20th century and also provided quarters for a shoe shop; the second floor was used for a school.
It was eventually acquired by Dr. B.T. Atkins (1877 – 1940) whose widow Dora Shaver Atkins, lived in it until the mid 1970’s.
Find out more about the rich history of Gold Hill, local merchants and weekly and annual events:
Gold Hill Preservation Society:
Black Cat Inspector Josh Hedges on his noon inspection in Thomasville for agent Christy Crumpler’s client.
Let us be your eyes on Saturday and Sunday
Black Cat Inspectors Josh Hedges, with Matthew Weeks assisting, on their 8 AM inspection of this historic home, built in 1900 in Pilot Mountain, for agent Zach Dawson’s client.
For more information and photos click here
Let us be your eyes on Old and Historic
You are purchasing a home which is part of a homeowner association.
The first thing is that your perception of a homeowner association may be drastically flawed. Most people, including many real estate agents, are very confused about this entity. The flaw is that you are convinced it is someone or something other than YOU. It's a magic fairy in the sky. Let me start with a simple action for you to follow. Leave wherever you are, go to the bathroom, stand directly in front of the mirror. Look very closely at the image in that mirror. Now, stick out your right hand and shake hands with your homeowner association. It's YOU
Let me make it very clear that all of those obligations for your home, you may have thought you were passing off to the magic fairy in the sky, you are NOT. You are simply passing them off to yourself in another form. None of your obligations change they are only shared with others with similar obligations and concerns for their adjacent homes and amenities which may be part of the overall facility. The cost remains YOUR responsibility. Because you purchased this home you are now obligated to deal with the homeowner association. That includes being involved with the group saving pooled funds for future needs, borrowing if necessary and paying all of the obligations required. You and your group can choose to put enough money in every month to cover the expenses and save for future expenses. Or, you will be obligated to cough up your share of what is needed when due. Or, borrow as a group and increase everyones monthly obligation to cover the cost of paying the money back with interest. No matter how it is handled, now or later, all of the expenses ultimately come from your bank account. Don't even begin to imagine that you are passing anything off to anyone, least of all A Magic Fairy in the Sky. You are not.Ten things every home buyer should know!
Want to have a better understanding of what it is, how it happened and how it works? There is more detail below.
This information was extracted from: "Guide to Understanding Homeowner Associations" prepared by HOA-USA. For a complete copy of the document click here. Everything was not included here.
What is a homeowners association?
A homeowners association is typically a non-profit corporation that is created by a developer when a community is in the planning stages. Membership in the homeowners association is mandatory, and you automatically become a member upon purchasing your home. The association is governed by a board of directors which initially is the developer and his representatives. Control of the association remains with the developer until a specified percentage of homes are sold (usually 2/3 or higher). The developer then transitions control to a new board of directors which are elected by the residents.
Each homeowner association has its own governing documents in the form of restrictive covenants, bylaws, architectural guidelines, rules and regulations. The restrictive covenants, prepared by the developer, are filed on the deed records and are legally binding. The restrictive covenants are intended to define the standards of the community for the purpose of protecting property values.
Many homeowner associations benefit from shared amenities such as pools, tennis courts and clubhouses. Some have marinas, stables and even landing strips for small aircraft. The cost of operating and maintaining the community amenities, as well as other expenses, are paid by the members in the form of assessments. The assessments are mandatory and failure to pay them typically leads to fines, restriction of services, property liens and can ultimately include foreclosure. Associations should also set aside funds for large capital improvements such as: painting or roofing in a townhouse community; repaving of streets and parking areas; or replacement of mailboxes and street signs. When associations do not set aside adequate funds, residents usually have to pay special assessments, which can be in the thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.
What is wrong with the homeowner association model?
The wrong developer can doom the community to failure before control is ever transitioned to a resident elected board. This can include intentionally keeping the assessments too low in order to sell the homes and granting requests to vary from the covenants.
Unfortunately, many first time homebuyers never receive or read the governing documents. Unkowningly, they break the rules and run afoul of the association. And of course, there will always be some residents who knowingly violate the covenants, break the rules and challenge the board. In today's electronic age, email and social networking can stir up dissension in a community in a flash. At minimum, most residents do not participate in the association and would not consider serving on a committee or the board. Many annual membership meetings fail to reach necessary quorum in order to conduct business!
The volunteers that serve on the board may lack the time and/or the expertise to properly govern the association. Board members are neighbors and sensitive to making tough decisions that are unpopular. It's easier to pass the problems on to the next board.
What is right with the homeowner association model?
Recent surveys show that over 70% of residents are satisfied and happy to live in a community with a homeowner association.
These association members want the protection of restrictive covenants and rules to protect the value of their home and community. They do not want an overgrown weed infested yard to stand out in an otherwise well landscaped community. They do not want boats, utility trailers, RV's and commercial vehicles parked in driveways and streets. They do not want their neighbor to build a fence that blocks a beautiful view; much less a do it yourself home addition that goes on forever.
These association members also want the value of shared amenities. They enjoy the pool, the tennis courts and the club house. They value the rules that set standards for conduct.
These association members understand that a homeowner association is a business. It has expenses that must be paid by assessments. These can include the street lights, the pool maintenance, the landscaping, the management fees, the insurance, the cable in the condo and much more. They understand that the association must be able to collect the assessments, even if it means, fines, restriction of privileges, and even the threat of foreclosure. There is nothing wrong with compassion and exceptions in hardship, but a pattern of allowing homeowners to get away with not paying their assessments will lead to financial stresses and larger issues that affect the entire membership.
These association members are involved in their community. They serve on committees or on the board. They attend the annual meetings. They support the board.
Most of this information came from "Guide to Understanding Homeowner Associations" prepared by HOA-USA. For a complete copy including additional information click here.
Let us be your eyes
Let us be your eyes including for radon and mold
Black Cat Inspector Matthew Weeks on his noon inspection in Lexington for agent Dani Harrelson's client.
Let us be your eyes
Let us be your eyes on New Construction
Black Cat Inspector Matthew Weeks on his 3 PM home inspection in Kernersville for agent John Nikas’s client.
Let us be your eyes
Let us be your eyes
Let us be your eyes Before the Listing
Black Cat Inspector Matthew Weeks 10 AM inspection in Pfafftown for agent Kina Miller's client.
Let us be your eyes
Let us be your eyes Multiple Times
Black Cat Inspector Doug Simmons on his 9 AM commercial office building inspection in Kernersville for agent Cindy Christopher's client.
Let us be your eyes
Black Cat Inspector Doug Simmons on his 2 PM FSBO home inspection in Jonesville.
Let us be your eyes
Black Cat Inspector Matthew Weeks on his 10 AM FSBO home inspection in Winston-Salem.
Let us be your eyes
Black Cat Inspector Doug Simmons on his 2 PM home inspection for agent Michelle Fallin's client in Thomasville.
Let us be your eyes