Sunday, October 13, 2024

Lender and Insurance Storm Letter - Borrower/Homeowner Affidavit of No Damage

Mortgage Lenders, especially on homes going through the closing process not yet closed, and Insurance Companies may be demanding an Affidavit of No Damage in areas declared a disaster area. Some may accept a signed affidavit from the homebuyer or owner. Some will demand this be from a licensed NC Home Inspector or Contractor. 

Two options for this:

You supply us with a statement that there is no damage and current (that day) good quality detailed photos of each elevation (side) of the home preferable with a date stamp if possible. We will provide the letter from that assuming we can confirm from that information alone. If not we will need to visit your home to confirm. 

Our fee for this service. 

If we have completed a home inspection for you, at anytime over our 26 years in business, or you are an agent (on your personal home) who’s clients we have conducted an inspection for, there will be no charge even if we must visit your home. 

If you do not fall under the above criteria and we do not have to visit your home the charge will be $100.00. If we must visit your home the charge will be $200.00 plus $1.00 a mile (to cover the round trip) for millage over 100 miles from our inspectors home. If you book a home inspection on that home, or a home you are purchasing (or for agents who pay on a clients home) within one year we will credit $100.00 of that fee toward that home inspection. If you would prefer to book a home inspection there will be no additional charge for the letter.

How to apply? Email your name, address, cell number and email address with photos (as stated above) with a clear statement that there is no damage to We will make this happen as quickly as possible depending on demand. 

What to do if your home is damage by the storm? We are offering 50% off our standard fees for our Standard Condition of Home Inspection per NC Standards of Practice without any of the added benefits we typically provide with our inspections. You can book that on our website at 

Let us be your eyes

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