Sunday, August 18, 2024

Carolina University Campus Inspection Winston-Salem

Originally Piedmont Bible College - Black Cat Inspection Services, LLC’s founders Alma Mater

What may appear small provides education to 70,000 online students world wide in numerous languages. 

Black Cat’s inspector team will be spending all of the week of August 19th inspecting and writing 24 total reports on the Campus of Carolina University in Winston-Salem for agent Lou Baldwin’s client. 

We will be inspecting all numbered buildings and areas, including the site on this map with exception of number 9 Salem Baptist Church. 

1 - Grace Hall
2 - Deeds Hall
3 - Stevens Hall
4 - Security Station
5&6 - Lee/Paterson Dormitory 
7 - Pope Activity Center 
8 - Griffith Hall
10 - Athletic Offices
11 - Parking Area

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