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Home Damaged by Hurricane Helene? Or Not Damaged - Black Cat Can Help

Home not damaged but insurance or lender demanding third party verification? See the bottom of this post.  Home damaged by Hurricane Helene,...

Friday, October 18, 2024

Hurricane Helene - NC Realtors - Black Cat needs your help

NC Realtors - Please join me in a serious conversation. Please read this to the end for the sake of thousands of our neighbors suffering in our NC western mountains. Many are still in need of our help. If you agree please share this with other NC realtors as only about 3,000, of the nearly 60,000, are my Facebook friends. 

Home on the Watauga River
River and a tree went through this one

Condition, and worse, of many roads

First allow me to thank each of you for your outpouring of love and contributions to our NC mountains. My Realtor wife, Pam (best known as GrandPam), and I, love spending three days every week working here. Following this storm, we were present for, after being cut out of fallen trees on our mile access road by our wonderful neighbors, everywhere I went, as you and I fulfilled dire needs, and I worked coordinating work crews, and figuring out where nurses were needed, I said that I was there representing you and that what was coming was from you and our associations. I wore what many know as my “Black Cat” shirt which gained instant respect and cooperation as I attempted to determine what the ever changing need was and send that information to those in charge of your efforts. I may only be a home inspector associate member but I did what I did as your representative and there was massive appreciation for your efforts as I said I represent about 60,000 NC Realtors working to help you. 

Historic home knocked off its foundation

Home literally designed for the river to run through it and it did. 

There remain many needs unfulfilled and the effort is far from over. I have racked my brain to determine what assistance is next Black Cat can provide. Please let me share that with you and let you know how you can remain involved through your and my efforts. I will specifically address Black Cat’s involvement in meeting four needs the third of which I need your help with. 

First - One, and possibly two, of our inspectors will become FEMA disaster inspectors visiting homes and meeting with damaged homeowners doing inspections and reports which determine the extent of damage which will determine what these folk receive in payments and assistance. This will involve compensation for this work directly to the inspector from FEMA. None of this passes through our company. 

Second - Under a state emergency authorization our inspectors will be backing up the inadequate number of county code enforcement inspectors accessing habitable of damaged homes so the power can be re-connected. Or condemned and a list created of the needs to have the power connected. This will be paid for directly to these inspectors from each counties Emergency Management funds which will be reimbursed by FEMA. None of this passes through our company. 

Third - Where I need your help in multiple ways. Our company will be providing NC Standard Home Inspections of storm damaged homes at a 50% discount from our standard fees. The first question asked when this came up was “Why aren’t you doing this for free”. In actuality, I am. What we will receive will go 100% to our inspectors. It will just pass through my hands to their hands. I will be eating the other 50% which includes all expenses and what my income would typically be. I will be not only loosing income but covering expenses out of my pocket for ever how long this may take. How much will that be? I have no clue, could be hundreds of thousands and I am in for the duration. That could be months, a year or even years. Depends on how many we are requested to be involved with. Could be hundreds but more likely thousands. 

Fourth - We will be providing letters of verification of no damage on homes under contract, and existing homes, within the disasters area. More on that by clicking on this link

Why are we doing this? These already devastated homeowners may need this for numerous reasons. To determine the extent of damage and repairs necessary. To verify the repairs are completed properly. For peace of mind. This may be required by their insurance company as part of the repair process or to continue insurance, re-insure of their home or by their lender for their mortgage. Could be other reasons we haven’t foreseen. Whatever we will be ready and as active as needed. 

My Black Cat Jeep following days of running through mud
and 2’ deep river water

We will also be offering mold inspections including air and swab samples but yet to determine how that will be handled as the lab expense is astronomical. 

What if they can’t afford to pay? Trust me, between myself, and our Black Cat team, it will happen anyway. Maybe others would like to contribute to that effort. How that may happen is yet to be determined. 

What can you do to help?

First - Get the word out that we are offering these inspections at 50% off. 

The “Old Man” and Sable on a better day. 

Second - I have no clue how I will pull the financial side of this off. I will need the support of your clients bookings to offset this loss of income and expenses. Every pre-purchase, pre-listing, other inspection services along with radon tests, mold inspections and testing your clients book will help me personally to be able to make this happen and cover my expenses. I am confident each of you will see in your heart to help our regular business to remain active and grow to offset my losses. If not, not a problem, I will do it anyway. If you know me, that is how I roll. As one of my former partners, now deceased, often said “Get your tit in the wringer, and you will figure out how to get it out.” Well, excuse the term but I just placed my tit in the wringer and any help you can offer is much appreciated to help me get it out. Let’s make this happen together. 

Chris Hilton - Owner, Senior Managing Inspector - Black Cat Inspection Services, LLC

Let us be your eyes


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